Native Sons’ Hall, 389 Main, Murphys, CA

Sat. Oct 14, 2023, 5pm

Tickets: $40    (Dinner included)    

Have you ever tasted Native American food? What IS Native American food, anyway?This is your chance to have a full meal of recipes with authentic pre-Colonial ingredients. Learn from Dr.Stephanie Beavers-Guzman (Hoopa/Yurok) about the Food Sovereignty Movement that’s sweeping the country. One of Cirque de Soleil’s former stars, world class hoop dancer Eric Hernandez will also delight you; and finally, the concert’s featured performer, YouTube sensation Mike Massè, will offer Epic Acoustic Classic Rock, your favorite tunes from the ‘60s to the ‘90s. 


This dinner concert, a family friendly event, is a benefit for the Calaveras Youth Mentoring Project, connecting kids with positive mentors. The concert is being sponsored by Local Routes Foundation, a 501(c)3 non-profit. All profits will go to the Youth Mentoring Program..


The dinner, included in the $40 ticket, will offer Buffalo stew (vegetarian option available), Three Sisters Salad, Blue Cornbread with Maple Cream and cornflower garnish, and Chilled Blue Crumble Fruit Compote. There will also be a No Host Bar featuring wines and water. We are lucky to have the well-known Executive Chef Dave preparing our main dishes.


Tickets through eventbrite:


Donations can be made to via PayPal. 

Donations $50 and over will be acknowledged in the program; any amount is much appreciated.


Questions? Email:  Call/txt Sheila Smith at (510) 439-6683