Local Routes Foundation


Project nature & culture

An international non-profit effort to support
community based project for nature and culture.

The goal of the fondation is bringing arts, culture, economic
development, and revitalization through grassroots organizing.

Local Routes Foundation has been asctive for ever ten years as a grassroots network. The Fondation was incorporated in California in 20178 as a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization network. Donations for our charitable programs are tax deductible.

What we do

We provide a home for grassroots project related to
arts, culture, and nature. We host collaborative
network that meets online and in person. Members of
the network include community members working in
local projects, community organization, and regional
organizations, too.

Read on to find out more about our geotourism related
activities. We provide community service based
experiential training, software and service for
community organizations, and collaborative learning
opportunities for young entrepneurs. We work closely
with partners to develop programs that create
opportunities for young people around the world.

our Mission

To build enthusiasm and capacity for diverse arts and
cultural activities in local communities throught
grassroots organizing of community members, and to
enchance community economic development through
diverse arts & culture activities.


Group 2608097

Mike Massê, LIVE, with...

Have you ever tasted Native American food? What IS Native American food, anyway?This is your chance to have a full meal of recipes with authentic pre-Colonial ingredients. Learn from Dr.Stephanie Beavers-Guzman (Hoopa/Yurok) about the Food Sovereignty Movement that’s sweeping the country. One of Cirque de Soleil’s former stars…

Group 2608097

Lorem ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse ac velit eget ipsum congue pulvinar at in magna. Curabitur faucibus leo vitae risus ullamcorper auctor. Phasellus accumsan ut enim quis finibus. Phasellus semper commodo justo, a lobortis urna porttitor non. Nullam non tortor eget arcu finibus cursus a mollis tellus.

Blog Post

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Enjoy internationally acclaimed artist, Mike Massé for your entertainment. Mike comes to us from Colorado where he has built a YouTube following of more than 160 Million fans. This in turn has led to live performances all over the world. Click here to learn about Mike Massé. Also, listen to his most acclaimed production – Africa…

Group 2608097

Lorem ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse ac velit eget ipsum congue pulvinar at in magna. Curabitur faucibus leo vitae risus ullamcorper auctor. Phasellus accumsan ut enim quis finibus. Phasellus semper commodo justo, a lobortis urna porttitor non. Nullam non tortor eget arcu finibus cursus a mollis tellus.