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Geotourism.Guide is the global guide to unique natural and cultural features. Local Routes Foundation creates the guide to support the development of Geotourism around the world. We encourage individuals to contribute the unique features of their local community, and everyone can submit reviews about their experience.



If you enjoy the guide and want to do more, then join the Geotourism.Club.
The Geotourism.Club is our “think and do” community that creates the guide and stewards the content. To get started sign up here.


Tourpoints are the most numerous entries, and anyone can add these to the map.

Tourpoints are individual locations on the map. Here are some examples of tourpoints:

Historical marker

Entrance to a temple

Hiking trail marker

To add tourpoints for your area, consider joining the Geotourism.Club where you can join with others who are building up a unique map of their own area.


Places are shown on the front page of the guide, and indicate areas where visitors can find additional tourpoints. There is a whole world out there and Places serve as the Guide's sign posts, pointing places where you can find local tourpoints.

Most places will link to a page that shows all the tourpoints in the area of the place.

Examples of places include:

District of a city

Notable historic site

National Park


Sponsors support the Geotourism Guide with donations and contributions. Sponsors are listed on the Tourpoints near their location.

Sponsor the Geotourism.Guide by adding your listing and choosing a monthly or annual contribution.

Sponsor the guide by signing up here today